A modern marriage trend, wedding hashtags are here to stay! Not just because it adds to the fun element of your big day, or because an increasing number of couples are opting for one but also because of its utilitarian aspects. Wedding hashtags are like ‘all work and all play’ And if you don’t get the hullabaloo around it, well, we hope you do by the end of this little list! And if you’re the kind who’s always been rooting for it, pat yourself and chill 🙂
Read on to find out the 5 reasons why a wedding hashtag is totally worth the hype:
Adds a Unique Quotient to your Wedding!
Image Source anaffairbythelake
Every event begins with a story. A simple hashtag captures the entire story in a line or a few words! It adds a unique personality to your affair as it acts as a personal slogan. Imagine how cool it is to have your own wedding slogan! It is also not surprising for modern marriages to be identified or remembered by their hashtags. Beyond the obviously tangible things that are needed to host a wedding, your wedding hashtag is one among the only things that will stay as ‘yours’
Gets your Images Organized
Image Source Kulgra
Hashtags are not just about fun, but also some serious organization business! One hashtag is all you need to get your images on social media parked in one place. No more searching, nagging your friends, cousins and other relatives to send it to you. A hashtag practically bridges this gap and makes life easier for all!
Nails the Decor Game

Image Source Rose Walls Decor
Your unique hashtag can also make for some quirky and fun decor elements. It could be in the form of centrepieces, crisp welcome banners, photo booth props or even a spectacular installation! Hashtags decors can certainly give the tried and tested elements a run for their money. And besides, there’s no harm in embracing stuff that can be quite refreshing 🙂
Makes a Memorable Virtual Wedding Album

Image Source Flying Paratha
One of the best boons a wedding hashtag provides is, getting your virtual wedding album on the internet for eternity! You can revisit it whenever you want and share a good laugh. Your digital album will be easily accessible whenever you wish. It serves as a meaningful spot of memories that can be viewed at your command!
A Fun Way to get your Guests Involved in your Wedding

Image Source Arkansasbride.com
Wedding hashtag is a fun way to get your folks involved in your big day as they will also want to share a part of themselves with you. It could be by getting clicked with the couple, capturing fun moments of the journey or simply posting their favourite things at your marriage using the hashtag. You will also be able to see your wedding through the eyes of your loved ones and that makes it all the more fun and interesting!
So, friends, we hope you now know the pleasure and practical sides of a hashtag and what it can add to your most momentous memories! It’s time for you to get cracking and come up with a killer one 😉